Good game, but...
Well, from a technical standpoint, this is a great game. In fact, probably one of the best programmed and well thought out Flash games on Newgrounds.
However, as good as the gameplay might have been, I really did not like the overall style of the movie, at all. For one thing, characters were not very good, in my opinion. In games that have well-concieved characters players can "connect" with them, or at leat feel like the characters are interesting enough to capture their attention for more than 5 minutes. I found most of the characters in this game to be rather dry and uninteresting. I found the main character, especially, to be very annoying. I don't know if his voice, look, and dialogue were supposed to be "funny" or what, but he really seemed out of place in the game. With his mullet and suburban accent, the main character looked like he would have been much more at home coaching highschool football in a small country town than dealing drugs in the middle of a big city. I didn't check who did his voice, but the character's voice acting seems very forced and out of place for the dialogue he's saying. The dialogue, too, was not that creative. I cringed every time the guy said "Man, that's beaucoup bucks too many." Maybe all of the irony in the characters was supposed to be funny, but I didn't see it that way. It seemed to me like you were trying to make this character a real badass. If this was the case, it didn't really work out that well.
Well, anyway that's all I got. The game managed to hold my interest until I beat it, but mostly because of the gameplay, not the characters or story. I'll look forward to your next game or movie.