you got some nice things going on, here. though a little rough around the edges, I think you succeeded in creating a coherent style that was able to adapt to the various elements at play. it is evident that, as you said, the style you were going for, including the use of colors, backgrounds, music, etc. was the raison d'ĂȘtre for the work, and you do great in this regard.
I suppose there are a few things in the animation that I could point out for improvement here and there, but nothing too big. and I could also bring up that a lot of the underlying themes and story dynamics have been done before--the idea of aging before your time, getting stuck in a place when your true nature is to be free, being brought back from the brink by a so-called "manic pixie dream girl," etc.
however, a lot of these things didn't really come to mind immediately as I was watching this movie for the first time. subconsciously I was willing to forgive what my more cynical side might see as shortcomings simply because there was a lot of creativity on display here, and you brought a fresh take to some of these tried and true ideas. the whole puzzle shoe concept itself is quite interesting, and I think could have even been expanded on. there were some other cool things, too, like the way the characters gained color (literal and figurative) in their lives by smelling the flowers, eating---experiencing things. and the music was just some good fun and worked well with the story. like I said, as short as this was, you put a lot into it. and in any case, due to the experimental nature of this piece, I suppose any critique I give may be irrelevant at best.
of all the artists on Newgrounds, yours is some of the work I look forward to the most because you really seem like you are one who is deliberately and skillfully trying to improve your work by pushing your style to the limits. these kinds of experimental pieces that look so different from your other animations just seems to confirm this belief. so no matter what anyone says in a review, good or bad, I know this was a good learning experience for you, and you will likely be better off for it. so what more can you ask for, and what more can I say?
keep up the good work. peace.